Research and Development of Large-sized Heavy-wall TP347H Stainless Steel Pipe
摘要: 攀钢集团成都钢钒有限公司采用离心浇铸制坯经皮尔格轧机轧管工艺,开发出规格为Φ355.6mm×42.8mm大直径厚壁TP347H不锈钢管,经检测其各项技术指标均满足ASME A 312标准要求,性能良好,且钢管的纵、横向性能均匀。所用工艺结合了离心浇铸管坯和热轧成型双联工艺的优点,效果良好。该大直径厚壁TP347H不锈钢管的研制成功,对于推动大直径厚壁不锈钢管的国产化有着积极的意义。Abstract: The Φ355.6 mm×42.8 mm large-sized heavy-wall TP347H stainless steel pipe has been developed by Pangang Group Chengdu Steel and Vanadium Co.,Ltd. by means of the process of billet centrifugal casting plus rolling with Pilger mill. Relevant testing and inspection results show that all the technical indexes of the said pipe are in compliance with the requirements as specified in ASME A 312,and that the pipe is of good properties, and fine homogeneity of both longitudinal and transversal properties. Thanks to the advantages of the billet centrifugal casting plus hot-rolling combined process,the research and development result is excellent. There is no doubt that the successful development of the large-sized heavy-wall TP347H stainless steel pipe is significant in speeding up production localization of large-sized heavy-wall stainless steel tubes.