
    Practice of Producing P22 Low-phosphor Alloy Steel with EAF Process

    • 摘要: 介绍了以废钢和没有经预处理脱磷的高磷铁水为原料,采用电弧炉生产低磷合金钢P22(P含量小于0.008%)的冶炼工艺。通过电弧炉早期造渣提前脱磷,用石灰作脱磷剂,采用大渣量、多次换渣等工艺,高碱度与高氧化铁的合理匹配和熔池的强烈搅拌以及高温抑制回磷技术,实现电弧炉初炼钢水P含量小于0.003%。通过控制铁合金增磷和炉渣回磷技术措施,采用电弧炉冶炼工艺,可批量生产出高质量的低磷合金钢P22连铸管坯。


      Abstract: Elaborated in the paper is how to use the EAF smelting process to produce the P22 low-phosphor alloy steel(with P content under 0.008%)with the raw materials,i.e.,scrap steel and high-phosphor liquid iron that is not pre-dephosphorized. Primary liquid steel with a P content under 0.003% can finally be produced by means of the EAF process that employs such techniques as early dephosphorization of the hot metal through slagforming at the early smelting stage,using lime as dephosphorizer,carrying large slag amount and multi-slag replacement operations,proper combination of high basicity and high-ferric oxide,intensive stirring of the bath,and restraining rephosporization with elevated temperature. In general,it is practical to use the EAF smelting process to realize in-lot production of high quality CC billets in P22 low-phosphor alloy steel for tube-making,providing that relevant techniques are adopted to properly control P pick-up of the ferroalloy and re-phosphorization of the slag.


