
    Effect by SAW Process Parameters on Weld Seam Shape of Straight Welded Pipe

    • 摘要: 在比线能量概念的基础上,探讨了直缝埋弧焊焊接规范对焊缝熔深、余高及熔宽的影响。研究表明,焊接比线能量与熔深呈线性关系变化;焊缝的余高由焊接规范与坡口形状共同决定,并可对其进行有效控制;焊接规范对熔宽影响不明显,随规范的增大有缓增趋势。同时,为了准确估算焊材消耗,提供了一个方便、快捷的经验公式。


      Abstract: Based on the theory of Linear Power Input (LPI), effect by the SAW process parameters on the weld seam dimensions as melting depth, residual height and melting width are discussed. The result shows that the welding LPI has a linear relationship with the welding melting depth, and that the residual height depends on both the welding parameters and the bevel shape, and can be well controlled. It is also concluded that the effect by the said welding parameters on the melting width is not as significant as that on the melting depth. In addition, an easy-to-do empirical formula for quick and correct estimation of welding material consumption is provided here in the article.


