Φ159 mm FQM三辊连轧管机组主要设备特点

    Main Equipment Features of Φ159 mm FQM 3-roll Mandrel Pipe Mill

    • 摘要: 介绍了攀钢集团成都钢铁有限责任公司Φ159 mm FQM三辊连轧管机组的工艺、主要设备组成、特点和基本参数。三辊孔型封闭性好,金属变形更均匀;荒管的壁厚及外径精度显著提高,轧制出的钢管表面更光洁;三辊孔型接触面积小,轧制压力降低,孔型过或欠充满现象大大减少,使轧制薄壁管和难变形钢种的能力提高。封闭良好的孔型可避免或减少管端折叠和飞刺的形成,减少张力减径前的切尾长度甚至可省去张力减径前的切尾工序,提高金属收得率和轧制的稳定性。


      Abstract: Described in the paper are the main aspects of the Φ159 mm FQM 3-roll Mandrel Pipe Mill located in Pangang Group Chengdu Iron & Steel Co., Ltd., including the process, and the composition, features and basic data of the main equipment units. With the three-roll structure, satisfactorily-enclosed pass is available which ensures more homogeneous metal deformation, significantly-improved wall thickness and OD accuracies and better surface finish of the shell. Thanks to the three-roll formed pass, the contact area is reduced, and thus the rolling pressure is also reduced, which lessens the overfill or under-fill of the pass so as to enhance the ability of the mill to roll light-wall tubes and hi-deformation steel grades. Furthermore, with the well-enclosed pass, defects like tube-end folding or fin is eliminated or reduced, and the pre-stretch-reducing cropping length of the tube is shortened or even the cropping process can be eliminated at all, resulting in higher yield and better rolling consistency.


