
    Steel Strip Edge Profile VS Formation Welding Quality during SAW Spiral Welded Pipe Manufacturing with Split Strip

    • 摘要: 在生产螺旋埋弧焊接钢管过程中,所用净料由于在纵剪过程中受剪刃布置和设备状况的影响形成正梯形、倒梯形及平行四边形截面,使用这些不同截面形状的净料进行螺旋成型、埋弧焊接将影响焊接钢管的质量。分析了各种净料截面产生的机理及截面形成后在生产过程中影响螺旋成型及埋弧焊接质量的因素。就如何控制板边截面形状及提高成焊质量做了探讨。


      Abstract: During the process of manufacturing of the SAW spiral welded pipes, the split blank strip crosssection is always shaped as trapezoid, upside trapezoid or parallelogram due to the arrangement of the shearer blade and the conditions of the equipment during splitting. With so section-shaped split strip, the quality of both spiral-formation and SAW processes are negatively influenced. Discussed here in the paper are the mechanism concerning shaping of the foresaid sections of the split strip and the elements resulting from the sections and responsible for the quality of the said two processes. Also discussed is the possible approach to control of the split strip edge section and improvement of the welding quality.


