
    Induction Heating Equipment in Pipe Hot Extrusion Unit and Its Process Operation Control

    • 摘要: 介绍了钢管热挤压机组挤压工艺对管坯感应加热工艺及设备的要求, 立式感应加热炉的组成、主要性能、结构特点, 重点介绍了管坯感应加热过程、管坯温度分布特征及控制方法。指出必须从感应加热炉的日常维护、加热管坯时的操作调整措施、加热工艺参数设定值控制、生产节奏与能量比例4个方面进行工艺操作的控制管理, 以实现稳定的管坯加热质量, 保持管坯温度及温度分布的重复性。


      Abstract: The requirements for the billet induction heating process and equipment by the extrusion process of the pipe hot extrusion unit and the composition, main performance and structure characteristics of the vertical induction heating furnace are introduced. The billet induction heating process, billet temperature distribution features and control method are given in detail. It is pointed out that the process operation control and supervision must be performed in four aspects, which are the daily maintenance of the induction heating furnace, the operation regulating measures during billets heating, the set value control of the heating process parameters and the ratio of the production cycle to the energy consumption, so as to ensure the billet heating quality to be stabilized and make the repeatability of temperature distribution to be maintained.


