
    Visualization Solution and Data Analysis of Skew Rolling Pass Parameters

    • 摘要: 详细介绍了一种基于三维CAD设计软件的斜轧孔型参数的可视化求解方法,并以桶形辊穿孔机、锥形辊穿孔机和斜轧扩管机3种斜轧机型为例,介绍了孔型开度值、轧辊与轧件接触点处的速度矢量的求解步骤和求解过程,以及计算结果的验证方法;采用大量数据分析讨论了实际生产中轧机调整、轧辊返修对孔型开度值的影响。认为可视化求解法适用于所有斜轧机型的孔型参数分析,可为工具的设计提供更加准确的数据支持。


      Abstract: Elaborated in the paper is a three-dimensional CAD-based visualization solution for skew rolling pass parameters.Taking the three types of skew rolling mills(barrel type piercer, cone type piercer and rotary expanding mill)as examples, the solving steps and processes which are related to roll gap values, and velocity vector of the contact point between roll and workpiece are described.Also described is the verification method for the calculation result.Based on massive data, effects by rolling mill adjustment and reworked roll on pass gap value are analyzed and discussed.It is concluded that the visualization solution method is suitable for pass parameter analyses of different types of skew-rolling mills, and is capable of providing more accurate data to support design of the operational tools.


