
    The person Who develops the Hot-rolled Steel Pipe Used as Tubing Coupling Stock

    • 摘要: 石油天然气钻采用油管的工作状态极为复杂,因而对其质量要求较高。油管接箍通过螺纹将油管连接,故对接箍外形尺寸、联接强度、密封性、综合力学性能及耐腐蚀性能等都有严格要求。对于油管接箍用无缝钢管的要求也不例外。介绍常州宝钢钢管有限公司在引进的Φ102mmCPE顶管机组上开发热轧J55钢级油管接箍用管的过程,油管接箍用管的生产工艺流程,工艺参数,试制工艺难点及改进措施。


      Abstract: It is known that work conditions for the tubing used in oil and natural gas fields are very complicated, thus rather high quality of the pipe is required. Since the tubing coupling is used to connect tubings with threads, stringent requirements are set up for the coupling involving such aspects outside dimensions, connection strength, tightness, comprehensive mechanical properties and corrosion resistance, etc. Likely, rather critical requirements are also specified for the seamless steel tube used as stock of the coupling. Described here in the article is the development of the hot-rolled J55 tube for tubing coupling by Changzhou Baosteel Steel Tube Co., Ltd. with the imported Φ102 mm CPE push bench mill, covering such aspects as manufacturing process flow, technological parameters, technological difficulties concerning the trial manufacture and the countermeasures taken.


