
    Optimized Design of Cone Type Piercer Guide Shoe

    • 摘要: 结合某公司穿孔机实际情况,从轧辊和导板的空间几何入手,重点介绍了导板设计的数学方法。通过计算导板变形区长度、导板出入口斜面斜角及导板宽度等基本参数,认为由数学公式法确定的导板基本尺寸比经验法更科学,导板孔型封闭性更好,在生产薄壁管时能有效防止链带或破尾。


      Abstract: Based on relevant actual circumstances of the piercing mill located a certain domestic company, and starting with the space geometry of the roll and the guide shoe, the mathematic method for designing the guide shoe is mainly described.The basic parameters such as the deformation zone length, the inlet obliquity and the oblique angle, and the width of the guide shoe are calculated.As a result, it is identified that the basic dimensions as determined with the mathematic formula are more scientific than those as obtained with the empiric method.Such basic dimensions ensures a better closure of the guide shoe groove, which can prevent chain band or tail end breaking in case of production of light-wall pipes.


