
    Application of Forging-boring Manufacture Process for Large-sized Heavy-wall Seamless Steel Tube

    • 摘要: 随着国内电力需求的迅猛增长,目前国内生产的大口径厚壁无缝钢管远不能满足市场需求,致使Φ159~1 066 mm规格范围的该类管大部分需进口。内蒙古北方重工集团公司特殊钢厂采用锻造镗孔工艺生产出高压锅炉用大口径厚壁无缝钢管。介绍了该产品的生产工艺与设备技术,对所生产的成品钢管各项性能的检测结果表明,产品质量稳定可靠,各项性能指标达到或超过相关标准的要求。


      Abstract: Owing to the rapidly increased domestic demand of electric energy, the domestic production capacity of the large-sized, heavy-wall seamless steel tubes is far from satisfaction to the current market demand, and this situation has led to import of most of the tubes of such kind ranging from Ф159 mm to Ф1 066 mm.De-scribed here in the article is the technology of forging-boring process for hi-pressure boiler-purpose large-sized, heavy-wall seamless steel tube as adapted by the Special Steel Tube Plant of Inner Mongolian Beifang Heavy Industrial Group Corp.Described are the manafacture process and equipment technology of the said tube.Also analyzed are the quality and characteristics of the seamless steel tubes as produced by the said maker with the above mentioned forging-boring process based on the results of different property tests of the finished products.Show that the laid tube is of consistent quality with all the property targets up to or even higher than the requirements of applicable standard.


