
    Development of HSL450S Submarine Linepipe

    • 摘要: 介绍了HSL450S海底管线管钢的成分设计要求;重点介绍了HSL450S海底管线管钢与管的试制情况,生产工艺控制措施以及性能评价试验等。检验结果表明,新开发的HSL450S钢铸坯夹杂物含量低,钢的纯净度高;所轧钢管的各项力学性能、抗腐蚀能力等完全满足相关标准要求。X65钢级HSL450S海底管线管开发成功并可投入批量生产。


      Abstract: Described in the artide are the requirements for design of the chemical composition of the HSL450S submarine linepipe.Detailed are the trial manufacture of the steel and the pipe,the measures as taken for the process control as well as the tests concerning property evaluation thereof.The testing and inspection re-sults show that the newly-developed HSL450S steel billet features low inclusion contents and high cleanness,while the rolled pipe is in possession of all the mechanical properties and corrosion-resistance which are in full compliance with applicable product standard.The HSL450S submarine linepipe of X65 St.Grade are developed so successfully that conditions are ripe for massive production thereof.


