
    Research and Development of High Strength/High Toughness CS-Q890 Seamless Steel Tube for Crane Boom Fabrication

    • 摘要: 介绍了起重机臂架用高强韧性CS-Q890无缝钢管的特点、生产工艺和质量情况。通过成分优化设计并采用“转炉/电炉冶炼→LF钢包精炼→VD真空精炼→圆坯连铸→Φ159 mm三辊限动芯棒连轧管机组/Φ180 mm Accu-Roll轧管机组轧制→调质热处理”工艺生产的CS-Q890无缝钢管,不仅可满足高强韧性的匹配,同时还具备良好的焊接性能。该品种的成功开发,减少了国内为开发大型起重机而长期对国外高强韧性无缝钢管的依赖。


      Abstract: Elaborated in the essay are the characteristics, manufacturing process and quality of the hi-strength/hi-toughness CS-Q890 seamless steel tube for crane boom fabrication. The tube is of well-mated high strength and high toughness and excellent weldability owing to optimization of the chemical composition, and adaption of the manufacturing process of converter/EAF melting→LF refining→VD refining→CC round→rolling with the Φ159 mm 3-roll retained mandrel mill/the Φ180 mm Accu-Roll mill→quenching-and-tempering treatment. The successful development of this type of product has brought about the possibility for being free of the long-time dependence on import of similar products for home-made large cranes.


