
    General Situation of Seamless Steel Tube Market in 2009 and Prospects for it in 2010

    • 摘要: 分析了全球无缝钢管的供需状况及发展趋势。介绍了2009年我国无缝钢管的生产情况及发展趋势。指出2010年中国无缝钢管生产企业面临着产能进一步扩大,专用产品同质度增加,出口困难等压力。


      Abstract: Analyzed in the article are the supply-demand situation and the development trend of the global seamless steel tube market. It is pointed out that in 2010,the domestic seamless steel tube industry will be facing such impacts as further expansion of production capacity,increase of the special product homogeneity and difficulties relating to the export business,etc.


