Φ89 mm以下不锈钢无缝钢管管坯的经济型生产工艺

    An Economic Manufacturing Process for Stainless Steel Blank Pipes Sized under Φ89 mm

    • 摘要: 针对Φ89 mm以下300系列奥氏体不锈钢无缝钢管冷加工生产流程长、生产周期长、产量低、成材率低、成本高以及酸洗污染等问题,通过变形工艺研究,设计开发出“热轧(穿孔+定径)+在线水冷”工艺,以生产Φ89 mm以下不锈钢无缝钢管坯料。检验结果表明:采用“热轧(穿孔+定径)+在线水冷”工艺生产的Φ89 mm以下不锈钢无缝钢管坯料规格接近最终冷轧成品尺寸,可减少中间冷轧(拔)道次,简化工艺流程,缩短生产周期,提高成材率,具有良好的经济性。


      Abstract: A number of shortcomings stay with the production of the cold-processed 300 Series austenitic stainless steel pipes as sized under Φ89 mm,namely,rather long manufacturing process flow and production cycle,low output,low yield,high operational costs and environment-contaminating pickling operation,etc.Addressing such problems,based on study on the deformation process,the process of hot rolling(piercing+sizing)plus in-line water cooling is designed and developed to produce seamless stainless steel blank pipes sized under Φ89 mm.Results from inspections of and tests to the pipes as made with the above mentioned process show that their dimensions are close to the finished cold-rolled pipes.It is concluded that the said manufacturing process is capable of reducing intermediate cold-rolling(drawing)passes,simplifying the process flow,shortening the production cycle,and increasing the yield,being remarkably economic.


