
    Analysis of Import and Export Status of China’s Steel Tube Industry in 2017

    • 摘要: 分析2000—2017年我国钢管出口量、进口量以及进出口均价、品种情况;详细介绍2017年国外对我国钢管行业贸易救济情况,以及美国商务部发布的对进口钢铁及铝产品232调查的详细情况。分析认为:2017年我国钢管出口量继续下降,但价格呈较大幅度回升,钢管进口量一直处于较低水平,仅占到钢管产量的0.51%;国际经济形势总体向好,有利于出口,但受国际贸易保护主义的影响,我国钢管产品出口的国家和区域受到了很大的限制。


      Abstract: Analyzed in the paper are the export/import volumes,average prices and varieties of China’s steel tubes from 2000 to 2017.Also introduced in details are the trade remedies of foreign countries against China’s steel tube sector,as well as Section 232 Investigation on Steel and Aluminum released by U.S.Department of Commerce.Based on the analysis,it is concluded that China’s steel tube export condition in 2017 is better than that in 2016.China’s steel tube import volumes have declined dramatically over the recent years to only 0.51%of the overall steel tube production.Global economic situation is generally improving,which is good for export;but China’s steel tube export countries and regions are limited because of the influence of international trade protectionism.


