
    Countermeasures and Actions for Development of Steel Tube Ind ustry in Shanghaiand Yangtze River Delta Areas

    • 摘要: 上海及长三角地区钢管贸易摩擦占该地区钢铁产品贸易摩擦的比例约60%。探讨钢管行业应对贸易摩擦的发展对策和措施,以及钢管生产品种调整的方向。分析认为:今后钢管出口应当从过去数量为主的发展模式转向高质量出口为主;实现“一带一路”上的合作共赢,加大“二次出口”的力度,“以技术换市场”,着力民生工程项目,破除技术贸易壁垒,积极应对贸易保护,规范企业投资经营行为,规范项目外部风险;减少钢管进口品种,消化引进产品,调整焊管的管线管及石油天然气行业用无缝钢管结构等。


      Abstract: The steel tube trade friction degree in the Shanghai and Yangtze River Delta areas accounts for about 60% of the general trade friction scale of steel products thereof.Relevant countermeasures and actions to be taken by the steel tube industry,and proposed direction for adjustment of the steel tubular product mix are discussed here in the essay.The analysis results in the specific countermeasures and actions as follows:turning the development model for steel tube export from the existing quantity-based one into a high-quality-based one;stepping up in the Second Export for the all-win cooperation of the Belt & Road;exchanging technology for market,and focusing efforts on people’s well-beingaimed projects;breaking technology trade barriers,and actively dealing with trade protection;regulating investment and operation behaviors of the enterprise,and regulating the project external risks;reducing steel tube types to be imported,and digesting imported products;and adjusting the product type structures of seamless steel linepipes and pipes for oil and natural gas industry.


