Described are the structures of the conventional welding torch and the newly-designed welding torch for automatic internal/external welding of the HSAW pipe.Analyzed is the operational principle of the latter.Compared are the industrial application statuses of the said two torches.The analysis reveals that compared with the conventional welding torch, the newly-designed welding torch for the HSAW pipe is capable of ensuring that the welding wire keeps in any case contacting the tip side, and the welding wire is stably positioned during the operation process.It is also revealed that the welding wire temperature can be obviously lowered down via air-cooling so as to enhance the morphology and physiochemical properties given that the working conditions remain the same.Nevertheless the new welding torch has its short comings, for instance, in case of multi-wire welding, no adjustment can be made, and when welding pipes with rather large ID, it is rather easy to adjust the welding wire position with the conduction mechanism, whereas in case of welding smallsized pipes, it is not so easy to manage the same thing.Therefore it is suggested to combine the automatic measurement technology to get the welding wire position adjusted automatically as per the current contact tip loss so as to prevent any product quality problem as caused by deviation of the welding wire position as resulting from forgetting manual operation or failing to operate due to location limitation.