
    Research on International Competitiveness of China-made Seamless Steel Tube Products in GCC Market

    • 摘要: 介绍了中国无缝钢管在海湾阿拉伯国家合作委员会(GCC)的出口现状,基于市场渗透率、显示性比较优势指数、质量溢价数值三个方面,分析了2007—2018 年,中国无缝钢管与日本等7 个国家在GCC 市场的国际竞争力情况,得出中国无缝钢管在GCC 市场虽然出口规模占据首位,但在质量和产品结构上与日本等国家还有差距。结合中国目前无缝钢管行业的实际情况,提出应当通过利用我国生产装备优势,提升产品质量,加快产品结构升级;转变营销策略,加强产业链延伸;提高产业集中度等措施来提升中国无缝钢管在GCC 市场的国际竞争力。


      Abstract: Elaborated in the paper is the present situation of export of China-made seamless steel tube products to the GCC market. Also analyzed are the statuses concerning the international seamless steel tube marketing competitiveness among China and other seven countries like Japan in the GCC market during the 2007—2018 period,based on the three aspects i.e., the market penetration rate, the revealed comparative advantage index and the quality premium value.Accordingly it is concluded that although China has taken the first place of seamless steel tube export in the GCC market in terms of scale,its product quality and product mix are inferior of those of its counterparts like Japan. Based on the current situation of the seamless steel tube industry in China,relevant suggestions are proposed to further sharpen the international competitiveness of China-made seamless steel tubular products in the GCC market,including,taking the domestic production equipment superiority to improve the product quality,and speed up the upgrade of the product mix;changing the marketing strategy to further extend the industrial chain; and enhancing the concentration level of the industry.


