
    Practice of Manufacturing Small-sized Steel Pipes with Less Stand 3-roll Mandrel Mill

    • 摘要: 以我国小直径无缝钢管的生产现状及存在的问题为背景,详细介绍了Φ76 mm少机架三辊连轧管机组在生产小直径无缝钢管上的实际应用情况。实践证明:采用少机架三辊连轧管机组生产小直径无缝钢管,具有投资小、生产灵活、易于掌握,能够适应小直径无缝钢管批量小、更换规格频繁等生产特点,是小直径无缝钢管生产较理想的机组选型。


      Abstract: Based on the current situation of domestic production of small-sized seamless steel pipes, and relevant existing problems, the actual application of the Φ76 mm less stand 3-roll mandrel mill to produce small-sized seamless steel pipes is detailed here in the paper. The operation practice with the said mill leads to such a conclusion that when it comes to producing small-sized seamless steel pipes, the mandrel mill is in possession of such advantages as low initial investment, high production flexibility, easy operation, and suitability for small lot order and frequent size-change, being an ideal mill type for production of small-sized seamless steel pipes.


