K60-2钢级Φ1 220 mm×22 mm直缝埋弧焊管的研制

    Development of Φ1 220 mm×22 mm SAW Straight Weld Pipe in K60-2 Steel Grade

    • 摘要: 目前国内部分管线因设计要求过高,造成国产管线管质量过剩和不必要的经济损失,从而影响产品在国际市场的竞争力。结合华北石油钢管厂为俄罗斯"东西伯利亚-太平洋管线"工程项目研制开发的K60-2钢级Φ1 220 mm×22 mm直缝埋弧焊管,分析讨论了管线钢板的合理化学成分、组织和性能设计与其经济性的关系,指出应合理设计管线钢板的化学成分、组织和性能,在满足使用要求的前提下开发生产最经济的管线钢板,从而提升我国直缝埋弧焊管线管的国际竞争能力。


      Abstract: At present the designs of some domestic pipeline systems are overcritical, which has led to the quality surplus of home-made linepipes and unnecessary economic losses, and thus weakened the competitiveness of such products in the global market.Addressing this problem, and based on the development process of the Φ1 220 mm × 22 mm SAW straight weld pipe in K60-2 steel grade especially developed by Huabei Petroleum Steel Pipe Plant for the "East Siberia-Pacific Pipeline Project" of Russia, the co-authors discuss the relation-ship between proper chemical compositions, structures and property designs of steel sheets for linepipe-making and their economic effectiveness.It is emphasized that the designs of chemical composition, structure and properties of steel sheet as stock of linepipe should be made reasonably, and produce most economic linepipe-purpose steel sheets under the requisite that relevant application requirements are satisfied in order to enhance competitiveness of home-made SAW straight weld pipes.


