
    Analysis of Original Factors for Inner Surface Defect of 34CrMo4 Gas Cylinder Pipe

    • 摘要: Φ457 mm×20.8 mm规格34CrMo4热轧气瓶管在热扩、冷拔、内表面打磨、抛光后发现内壁存在麻点、微裂纹等缺陷。通过对含缺陷样品进行化学成分分析、宏观和微观检查、金相分析、能谱分析,找出了内壁缺陷形成的原因。分析认为:缺陷形状各异,分布随机,成分除铁的氧化物之外,同时含有大量Ca、Mg、Si等元素,并且内壁缺陷内均含有夹渣,结合缺陷周围的脱碳现象及存在的氧化圆点,判断缺陷内的夹渣来源于炼钢时产生的脱氧产物。建议在钢坯炼制过程中严格控制冶炼、浇注工艺参数,保证钢坯纯净度,提高钢坯质量。


      Abstract: Inner surface defects like pit and micro-crack are found with the Φ457 mm×20.8 mm 34CrMo4 hot-rolled gas cylinder pipe after being hot-expanded,cold drawn,and inner surface ground and polished. And the original factors of the said defects are revealed by means of taking chemical composition analysis,micro and macro inspections,metallographic analysis,and energy spectrum analysis of the defective pipe sample. It is regarded via the analyses that the defect shapes are different and distributed in random;beside the iron oxide,the pipe contains a lot of chemical elements like Ca,Mg and Si etc.,and there is slag inclusion in the inner surface defective part;considering the decarbonization phenomenon existing around the defect and there are oxidized pots,it is determined that the said slag inclusion is originated from the deoxidation products as developed during the steel-making process. Accordngly it is suggested to strictly control the melting and casting process parameters during the making process of the steel billet so as to ensure the billet cleanness and improve the billet quality.


