R & D of X80 Φ1219mm Pipe as Blank for Pipe Bent with Induction-heating Process
Graphical Abstract
Described are the properties of the home-made steel plates (i.e.,Steel Plate A and Steel Plate B) as used to make X80 Φ1 219 mm pipe as blank for pipe bent with induction-heating process,and the proper-ties of the SSAW pipe made in Steel A and Steel B and by the JCOE process to be used for the same purpose. Thanks to the result of relevant comparative test analysis,chemical composition requirement for the above mentioned X80 Φ1 219 mm mother pipe is worked out. Based on the said requirement together with the hardness variation characteristics of the pipe bent in the secondary heating process (i.e.,bending with induction heating + over-length or partial quenching + entire body tempering),it is proposed to make some revision of hardness requirement as set in relevant domestic applicable standard for pipes bent with induction heating process.