Effect by Cu on Production of S32205 Duplex Stainless Steel Pipe
Graphical Abstract
The specimen of the S32250 duplex stainless steel pipe as cracked during the piercing process is analyzed. As a result it is revealed that under the same piercing process conditions,the less ferrite content,the greater the piercing-caused cracking rate will be. With the induction method,it is confirmed that the hot-workability of the S32205 steel is associated with the residual element Cu. Along with increase of the Cu content,the σ phase precipitation temperature remains the same,while the Cr2N precipitation temperature goes up. Meanwhile the optimum thermoplastic point 40%A temperature goes up too. And after the Cu content exceeds 0.2%,the optimum thermoplastic range(40%A~Cr2N) is obviously reduced. Therefore it is concluded that provided that the residual element Cu in the S32205 duplex stainless steel is well controlled to be within the range of 0.2%,its optimum hot-workability will be obtained.