Harm Produced by Hydraulic Shocks of 60 MN Hot-extrusion Pipe Mill and Relevant Counter Measures
Graphical Abstract
Analyzed are reasons responsible for the shocks as occurring with starts and stops of the process operations of the hydraulic system of the 60 MN horizontal hot-extrusion pipe mill such as high-pressure unloading, unloading of the accumulator, and extrusion expanding, etc.As a result the actions as follows are proposed.The hi-pressure impact shock as produced by the hydraulic system via hi-pressure relief can be obviously reduced be means of adjusting the damping hole orifice in the oil control circuit of the pressure-adjusting/relief valve block as mounted at the hi-pressure outlet of the hydraulic pump;the shock as produced by hi-pressure relief of the hi-pressure accumulator can be lessened by means of adjusting the opening of the cone valve spool of the accumulator relief valve block;the equipment shock can be reduced by means of properly reducing the acceleration parameters for start and stop of the equipment so as to lessen the loading of the equipment;and the mechanical shocks can be controlled via properly controlling the coupling between the hydraulic pump and the main electric motor.Thanks to implementation of all the actions as above mentioned, the shocks produced by the hydraulic system of the said hot-extrusion pipe mill have been obviously controlled, the harms to the equipment as imposed by the hydraulic shocks are mitigated.As a result the equipment status is kept consistent, and thus smooth manufacture operations are guaranteed.